1. Multiple Defendants
These cases can involve multiple defendants and insurance companies. In addition to truck drivers, trucking companies, shippers, brokers, mechanics, and others may share legal responsibility for injuries caused by commercial vehicles.
2. Standard of Care
Drivers of commercial vehicles are required to have special CDL licenses and a thorough knowledge of the federal rules and regulations governing vehicle operation. While most jurors understand the general rules of the road, expert testimony is typically required to explain the standard of care that
applies to commercial vehicle drivers and companies.
3. Special Laws
Commercial truck drivers and companies are strictly governed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Finding drivers in non-compliance with FMCSR is important in proving liability. An experienced truck accident lawyer can look for violations of these comprehensive rules to prove additional
Learn More: https://thefernandezlawgroup.com/personal-injury/truck-accident-lawyers/
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